I was watching some videos on being frugal. Using things you normally would throw away. This includes food too. If you take some of your veggies scraps that you throw away you can grow more veggies. I did this with celery! I use celery alot and even though it is not that expensive it is something that is great to grow yourself. Mine I am going to plant in a pot outside soon. And it doesn't take long to grow.
Just cut off the bottom of where all the stalks are attached. About several inches of the white part. Keep this piece together. Do not take apart. Then fill up a short wide glass with just enough water to cover the bottom of celery. I put mine in my window and in 2 days I had roots. A few more days new stalks started to grow from the middle. It's just amazing!
We were sooo excited! Its great when you can grow things yourself. I transferred the celery to a small plastic container of dirt. I have my next bunch of celery almost used up so I will be doing this again. Next we will try potatoes this way! But with potatoes I found out they spray some of them with a growth prohibitor so the eyes dont sprout. The last 2 bags I bought must have had this done because no eyes sprouted from the potatoes I put aside.